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    Thursday, September 11, 2008

    How to prevent ATM fraud - good practices to follow

    Received a SMS from my bank this evening, asking me to change my PIN number from the nearest bank ATM....thought it would be useful to post these precautions to take while using a ATM:

    From the Gulf News article today:

    - Watch out for hidden devices (in the ATM card insertion slot), but do not try to remove them. Contact the bank if something out of the ordinary is observed.

    - Do not let people stand close behind you when using the machine, in order to safeguard PIN number

    - Shield with your hand while entering PIN numbers

    - If the machine retains your card, contact the bank.

    - Never enter your PIN at the suggestion of others.

    - Do not write down your PIN, memorise it. launched launched
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      USE (Useful Stuff Exchange)is a blog of all useful bits of information that float around in the UAE media or elsewhere.


